Title: Small things really matter

Title: Small things really matter
Visible/invisible: How tiny particles can turn into the tallest building in the world.
Advantages: There is a great posibility that the nanotechnology can save us from our current or future discoveries, letting us rethink and reproject every dangerous, but important technology existing today.
Risks: Till now there haven’t been discovered major risks in using nanotechnology.It is still young and only basic discoveries have been made. This makes it quite expensive and somehow strange for some.
Advantages: There is a great posibility that the nanotechnology can save us from our current or future discoveries, letting us rethink and reproject every dangerous, but important technology existing today.
Risks: Till now there haven’t been discovered major risks in using nanotechnology.It is still young and only basic discoveries have been made. This makes it quite expensive and somehow strange for some.

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